Workshop program published

The project team warmly welcomes you to join Learning at Work in Transforming Europe – Workshop November 17th at 10-12 CET.

The free online workshop introduces new research results of learning at work in several disruptive industries of Europe. During the workshop the project partners will present the research results on continuous learning at work in disruptive industries and hold a discussion on what the global trends affecting work are, how employees learn new skills and competences in their everyday work, and what are the factors the support continuous learning. The countries included are Finland, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.

Register to the webinar here:

Learning at Work in Transforming Europe


10.00 – 10.15 Welcoming Words | Tobias Lohmann, BNW Geschäftsführung

10.15 – 10.45 Research Results of Continuous Learning at Work in Transforming Industries
in Finland, Germany, Italy and Switzerland | Francesca Amenduni, SFUVET and Paolo Nardi, Cometa

10.45 – 11.15 Country Case Studies in
Bioeconomy | Heta Rintala and Essi Ryymin, HAMK
Automotive | Tanya Manthey and Manuela Wehrmeyer, BNW
Hotel and Tourism | Paolo Nardi, Cometa
Hotel, Tourism and Building | Francesca Amenduni, SFUVET

11.15 – 11.30 15 minutes break

11.30 – 11.50 Company Comments on Continuous Learning at Work and Discussion

11.50 – 12.00 Closing the Workshop | BNW Geschäftsführung


Merry Christmas!


Swiss results in Italian