
Tanja Manthey and Jürgen Kröger from BNW discuss their work on the project so far in German.


Hypervideo-based cMOOC piloting began in March 2022. StiLLLearning project coordinator Hanna Lindoos interviews teacher educator Sari Kenraali on what the experiences of the piloting have been so far.


As part of Facilitating learning at work cMOOC piloting, the participants created videos to introduce how their working environment supports continuous learning.

Watch the video created by Sari Kenraali, a Teacher Educator from Häme University of applied sciences.


Francesca Amenduni presented the results of the Swiss qualitative analysis during a panel discussion. The clip last 7 minutes and is in Italian.


The StiLLLearning project team presents the research results on continuous learning at work in disruptive industries during a recorded Zoom session. The recording lasts 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun tutkijayliopettajat Essi Ryymin ja Heta Rintala keskustelevat Suomen case-tutkimuksesta jatkuvasta oppimisesta työssä biotalouden alalla. Video on suomenkielinen ja sen kesto on noin 5 minuuttia.

In questo video (7 min), Francesca Amenduni, ricercatrice presso la Scuola Universitaria Federale per la Formazione Professionale, presenta un caso sull’apprendimento sul lavoro in Svizzera. I settori inclusi sono edilizia, hotel e turismo. La lingua del video è l'italiano.

In diesem Video (7 min) sprechen Tanja Manthey (Verbundmanagerin) und Peter Grünheid (Projektkoordinator) vom Bildungswerk der Niedersächsischen Wirtschaft gGmbH über die deutsche Fallstudie zum Thema Lernen am Arbeitsplatz im Automobil- und Fertigungssektor. Die Sprache des Videos ist Deutsch.

In questo video (6 min) il responsabile della ricerca Paolo Nardi di Cometa Fomazione presenta un caso sull’apprendimento sul lavoro in Italia. I settori inclusi hotel e turismo. La lingua del video è l'italiano.

This video offers a 2 minute introduction to the project research results.
Read more from the results page.

Francesca Amenduni from the Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training gives her thoughts on future skills at work.

Birgit Honé, Lower Saxony Minister for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development, praised our project at an online event about the future of further education.

Francesca Amenduni, a senior researcher from the Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training discusses disruptions and global trends affecting on European industries.