StiLLLearning Training Activity

StiLLLearning project organized its Training Activity as two-days online training on the 15th and 16th of March 2022.  The host of the event was Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) from Finland. The theme of the days was "Research and trends of vocational education and learning at work". There were several expert visitors contributing to the days. The event also included many online activities and discussions, music and virtual helicopter rides around the host country Finland.

At the beginning of the Training Activity the project released its pilot online course "Facilitating Learning at Work". The digital badge-driven and competence-based course is designed based on the research results of the project, and it aims to support learning topical transversal skills at transforming work by implementing hypervideos as pedagogical tools. The participants of the training Activity were the pilot course participants and project partners from Finland, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.


Presenting cMOOC piloting


Idea Bank published!