Idea Bank published!

StiLLLearning project has now published its Idea Bank! The Idea Bank is an open online material for learning topical transversal skills at work. The research of StiLLLearning project revealed that employees and employers in transforming industries need especially collaboration and teamwork skills, active learning skills, creativity skills and digital competence. The Idea Bank offers curated OERs (open educational resources) for the development of these skills at work for individuals and organizations. 

In addition, the Idea Bank includes StiLLLearning project partners' suggestions as 1-minute video clips on how to develop  collaboration and teamwork skills, active learning skills, creativity skills and digital competence in daily work routines. The ideators are experts from Finland, Germany, Italy and Switzerland representing different industries and vocational and higher education institutions.

The Idea Bank:


StiLLLearning Training Activity


Merry Christmas!