Company partners found

StiLLLearning-project has found its company partners from disruptive industries

In 2016 The European Commission launched The Skills Agenda for Europe including 10 actions to make the right training, skills and support available to people in the EU. The Skills

Agenda request EU member states to equip their citizens with the necessary digital competences (The DigiComp 2.0 -framework) and promote entrepreneurial and innovation-oriented mind-sets and skills to strengthen their employability and the competitiveness. The Commission encourages more intensive and systematic co-operation among education, employment and industry stakeholders. Especially industries, that are strongly affected by global megatrend of digital disruption are in The Commission’s focus: automotive; textile, leather clothing and footwear, tourism, additive manufacturing, construction, renewable energy & green technologies and steel industry.

StiLLLearning-project has been actively partnering with companies in FinlandGermanyItaly and Switzerland in last months. The companies and industries invited along to the research of learning at work represent now hotel and tourismautomotive and additive manufacturingconstruction and bioeconomy. We welcome all our project companies to join us to StiLLLearning-journey!


Research on its way


StiLLLearning Kick-off